Omar Cristiam Santos
Today, the workshop "Art and Written Culture" within the framework of RIDEF has become a tapestry of intertwined memories, a dance of images and words on the vast stage of memory. On this second day, as if by magic, fragments of the past took shape, guided by the hands of those who, with passion and dedication, committed themselves to the art of storytelling.
Today, the workshop "Art and Written Culture" within the framework of RIDEF has become a tapestry of intertwined memories, a dance of images and words on the vast stage of memory. On this second day, as if by magic, fragments of the past took shape, guided by the hands of those who, with passion and dedication, committed themselves to the art of storytelling.
We began our journey with the legend of the bat, that precious tale immortalized by the great Oaxacan writer Andrés Henestrosa with his pen. In his story, the bat, once the most beautiful being in creation, lost its feathers—a profound symbol of transformation and loss. As Célestin Freinet said, "Life is full of signs, and through them, we can decipher the messages of the soul." And in the echo of his words, each tale unraveled a fragment of the soul of the past.
We moved, like rivers that split, to the interpretation of the poem "Cuando pasas" by Jairo Aníbal Niño. In poetry, we found a mirror in which our thoughts and emotions were clearly reflected. Thus, under the light of inspiration, our voices came to life through Kamishibai panels. This ancient art, a visual storytelling medium, allowed us to share our adaptations and shape them with the warmth of our voices, as Freinet said, "The school should be a reflection of life, and art, the expression of what we carry within."
Creation became a parade of visions, each sprouting from the soul of its creator. Each story, carefully adapted with the Method of the Nine Statements, transformed into images and words, a metamorphosis that Freinet would have deeply admired: "Thought flows when the hands are busy creating." Blank spaces were filled with lines, and in that act of writing and drawing, memory became word and word became image.
Today, memory has become a constantly evolving canvas, painted with the hues of our stories. The connection between the past and the present, between writing and illustration, is an intimate bond that invites us to explore beyond the boundaries of reality. Each stroke, each word, each image, is a testament to our ability to transform the ephemeral into the eternal.
It is in this process where we find the true value of writing: in the ability to transform memory into art and in the magic of sharing our inner universe with others. I invite everyone to join this workshop, to be part of this journey where each memory becomes a story, each story an artwork, and each artwork a bridge that unites our souls.
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